Tuesday, March 27, 2007

While They Were Sleeping

If the first time you don't succeed, well you know how it goes.

DPR (People's Representative Council of Indonesia) has just decided to abort its plan to order notebook computers for each and everyone of its 550-strong members, worth close to 1.35 million of taxpayers' dollars, after much publicized negative reaction from the majority of the nation.
Assuming that each unit must've been run on Windows, the outcome of this deal would've been similar to a previous "attempt" by Bill to subconsciously conquer this country. Subconscious indeed, knowing how our Anggota Dewan Yang Terhormat actually (and shamelessly) behave in (and out of) their office.
Subliminal messages embedded in screensavers, perhaps?
Or maybe they did feel the urge to collectively edit footages of their colleague in action, and further augment some, ahem, embarassing parts?
Then again, probably all of them just wanted to follow the Great Tukul Arwana's encouragement to "Kembali ke laptop!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tukul: puas? puas? puas?
anggota dpr: cape deeh...