Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Idea is Nothing if Not Being Acted Upon

In retrospect, who would have thought the world will come to this? Apparently, Noah Kalina knew something I didn’t.

He took a picture of himself everyday. Since 2000.

For a (very brief, if compared to him) period, I diligently took a picture of my daughter from the day she was born in early 2001. Then I stopped, for no reason.

Good things do come to those who wait.


I know am sounding like a grumpy geezer, but once I had this idea for a client, of people dancing in silence, thru the magic of wireless headphones, back in 2000. Unfortunately, the client didn't buy the concept.

Well, what do you know. Fast forward to 2005, and this duo from Netherlands executed Silent Disco big time, albeit for a different cause. It is all good.

Got idea? Act fast!

1 comment:

Raquel Brenda said...

foto ganteng loe dong yg pake gelang merah dipasang :D

bro undang2 dong ke kantor baru nih

eh commentnya dibuka dong ntuk publik, biar makin banyak yg bisa komentar, ndak hanya blogger community, nih aja gw nebeng punya brenda.
